The students who learn under trees and talented youth remain unnoticed in Kenya, floods and insecurity destroy communities while politicians live in luxury without experiencing the hardships of the common people. The nation loses its lifeblood because leaders fail to acknowledge the situation while distributing funds irresponsibly as their constituents suffer through complete silence. Click here to learn more.
Children in rural Kenya litigate with the intense sunshine and heavy rainfall when they pursue their education. Among Kenya's schools it is common to find facilities which lack roofs and all required infrastructure as well as educational resources. Millions of shillings flow into political campaigns and unnecessary foreign trips as well as purchasing luxurious mansions by powerful leaders. Leaders use their high-end luxury vehicles to flaunt their status as they observe children remaining seated on the hot ground because a promising future never materializes for them.
Education remains only the beginning of the multitude of tragic conditions affecting the country. Young individuals with exceptional abilities in sports, arts and innovation need more support because the government provides no assistance. The leaders who should develop new global leaders choose to look after their financial interests instead. Easier for politicians to obtain new car fleets than talented children to secure funding for their ambitions. The government claims it empowers youth while unemployment grows because visionary people without financial backing must battle their way alone.
Yearly floods devastate properties along with occupations and lead to fatalities throughout affected locations. The emergency funds allotted to victims vanish without explanation which leaves them without help while they are trapped. Various parts of the world experience fear from bandits who control communities while the residents suffer from continuous terror. The higher officials receive complete security protection of their homes through rigorous guard systems thus creating an environment where regular citizens remain in constant fear. The public message states that elected individuals who safeguard people have left them vulnerable and unprotected.
The problem of corruption runs deep throughout Kenyan society while public funds continue to disappear under leadership control. Throughout its country the healthcare system which exists to help poor people shows clear signs of deterioration. Public healthcare facilities remain without necessary medications while medical personnel stop working because of salary delays which results in patients suffering fatal delays to receive non-existent medical care. Political leaders escape to international facilities for world class healthcare while Kenyan people experience inadequate hospital conditions in their neglected public healthcare facilities. National healthcare facilities and road systems and education facilities lose their funding when government funds move into offshore bank accounts. Public scandals create outrage but the situation remains unchanged. This cycle continuously repeats as the common mwananchi watches politicians emerge victorious in every game.
The Kenyan public deals with survival challenges yet political leaders stage extravagant parties and access overseas healthcare and direct salary increases toward themselves amid massive poverty across the population. The failure of leadership amounts to an offensive act toward the population.
When will Kenya succeed in escaping its leader-induced toxicity? Will the suffering people manage to get their voices heard? True change can emerge exclusively through leaders who put the interests of people before their self-interest. Due to ongoing political corruption the country faces an endless cycle between suffering citizens and wealthy politicians who enjoy their best lives. Click here to learn more.
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